Sunday, January 30, 2011
More 2010 Artwork

Sunday, January 23, 2011
An Artful Weekend

This is to record our traditional trip to visit my parents on Christmas Eve. I hope that there will be many more years of making this little trip!! We don't go over the river and through the woods... but it's pretty darn close. I found the vintage Christmas card and it triggered the whole travel idea.
Christmas Morning - before the kids leave me for the day. This year they were up at about 6 am to open their stockings. I lay in bed and listened to them for awhile before I got up at 6:30 to join them. As I lay there, I was tranported back in time to those same holiday mornings with my brother in the wee hours before the rest of the world woke up. It was such a sweet morning this year... because I know that they will both look back and feel the same emotions that I felt on this very special occasion. They are so close and I am reminded how much they love each other in these small, private moments - when no one is watching them.
I have more half finished pages to work on for the rest of the day and then I'll post them tomorrow. Then it's on to 2011.
Cherrio my lovelies, kso xoxoxoxo
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Slightly Creative
Look at all those lovely boats waiting for sailing season to get here.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Weekend Art
I found - in my stash - a little hand drawn Pokemon card that my son made years ago. I like to use these little art snippets from my children in my journal art. I can still remember him asking to use my special scissors to cut the edges of all his cards. He was so pleased with his little designs. I can't believe I still had this!! I know that when I look back at this journal art I will instantly recall my little boy and this moment.

The little "happy meal" tag will also remind me of my son - when he was six he told me when he grew up he would be a much better parent... because he would take his son to McDonald's everyday if he wanted. He was very mad at me because I wouldn't take him for another happy meal.
The little doll tag in the lower left corner is from my daughter - she loved her Barbie's and all that damn paraphernalia - always so many little tiny shoes. Worse than the Legos :-)
All for tonight my lovelies,
kso xoxoxoxo
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New projects

The second one is an old children's book from the 1950's. It's a lovely size - 6 inches by 8 inches - perfect for journaling or art journaling. It has a really nice color graphic on the cover. This one has 3 signatures or 96 pages - Strathmore drawing paper. Will make a wonderful sketchbook or just a plain old journal for writing. I really like the way this one turned out too!!

Monday, January 3, 2011
Synchronicity at Work

I find the most interesting things and they usually end up on a page. I picked up this interesting little beat up King's Hardware matchbook cover - it's a local bar. It just caught my eye and I thought it looked so cool and distressed. Later that same week I ended up in King's Hardware for a spontaneous birthday celebration planned by my group of girlfriends. This art entry will be about my birthday and finding that matchbook cover - synchronicity at work!!
On another front, I began collecting vintage books a few months ago - the ones with the really cool graphics on the covers. I have been gutting them and saving them for a later project - planning on turning them into journals. This evening I began making the new interiors. I am making signatures of Strathmore drawing paper - they can then be used as sketch books, art journals or just plain writing journals. I am kind of excited about these babies!!
Oh, I also forgot to mention that my kids really went all out this year for my Christmas gift - they filled my stocking with goodies for the first time and they topped it off with a new camera!! Fabulouso... now I can take lovely photos of all my blog stuff :-))
All for tonight my lovelies
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I can still remember how this dress felt - sheer tulle with little soft white polka dots. It had a full slip under it, since the fabric was so see-thru. I felt so pretty - and that flexible pink creature. I could wrap her around my wrist like a braclet or around my neck, but here it was a pair of winter ear muffs. This was Christmas 1967 and I was a princess! I'll journal about this sometime this week - when I can sit and quietly call up those funny childhood memories.

Not sure what I will do with this one, but I kind of like it. A wine label up in the left hand corner, a label from some bath product in the lower right hand corner and the text is from an old reference book I picked up called "Pain". I like the juxtoposition of bright colors and the words - pain and pleasure.
All for today my lovelies, pleasant dreams
kso xoxoxoxo
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day One of 2011
In my journaling group each year some of the members choose a word of intention for the year. I have been waffling about what word to pick... love, prosperity, reach or freedom. I think I am going to select REACH - it will cover so many things. I'll reach for more love, more prosperity, more freedom. I'd also like to reach for more things outside my comfort zone - in life and artwork. I want this year to be more productive, which will require reaching into my energy reserves.
So, for today I will be reaching out in my blog to make more frequent entries and more art postings. This journal entry is about my daughter and her poetry. Picasso's art is on loan to exhibit here at the Seattle Art Museum. The youngest went ,with her English class, in October to view all the art and the class brief was to write a poem about the art they viewed.

I've also put some new things in my store yesterday... go check it out -

Lots of fun things for making Mary Ann Moss inspired ROD journal's or just plain art journaling.