Sunday, March 20, 2011
Okay... I Couldn't Wait!!
Here is the information on the Friendship Journal - all the proceeds will be donated to the Polaris Project, whose vision is a world without slavery.
“Named after the North Star that guided slaves towards freedom along the Underground Railroad, Polaris Project has been providing a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery since 2002. Polaris Project is a leading organization in the United States combating all forms of human trafficking and serving both U.S. citizens and foreign national victims, including men, women, and children. We use a holistic strategy, taking what we learn from our work with survivors and using it to guide the creation of long-term solutions.”
You can find out more about this charitable organization at
The artist’s who so lovingly created beautiful art in this journal are -
Kim Owens, Elizabeth Golden, Linda Hartzig, Danielle Patterson-Weeks, Stacy Sechan, Deb Schaifer, Fran Dussaman, Jennifer Maroney, Cynthia Vose and Timaree Cheney - all members of the online journaling group Blissfully Art Journaling.
This is the link to The Friendship Journal Auction -
This is the link to The Love Journal Auction -
I'd like to especially thank Jenny Maroney - who helped plan this whole project and also kept me on track. I love you madly girl - this would not have happened without your support!!!
All for today my lovelies...
Art Auctions Finally Here
In the meantime... here is a bit more info on the projects and some photos from The Love Journal. Oh, and tell all your friends - we want to raise a lot of money!!!

In January 2010 a small group of artists agreed to participate in a collaborative art journaling project. The idea was for each artist to create three art journal entries based upon a theme – one was about “Love”, the second was about “Friendship” and the third was left “Open”. Each artist was asked to include an introduction page and two art entries about the theme of the journal they chose to work in. Each journal contains 36 different art entries. All three journals traveled throughout the United States and Canada for about twelve months. Two have returned safely and the third is slowly limping home – it ran into a few unexpected road blocks along the way, but will be traveling again soon.

It was proposed that these journals be auctioned off and the proceeds from each sale donated to a charity. The Love Journal would benefit a children’s charity. The Friendship Journal would benefit a women’s charity. The Open Journal would benefit Bernie Berlin’s no-kill animal shelter - called A Place to Bark.

This auction is for The Love Journal and all the proceeds will be donated to My Stuff Bags, who offer much needed support for foster children throughout the United States.
“Imagine the trauma of being a child separated from all you know – parents, possessions and home – and not having anything to cling to for comfort. Sadly, each year, hundreds of thousands of children here in the United States must be rescued from severe abuse, neglect or abandonment. Traumatized and facing an uncertain future, they frequently enter shelters and foster care with nothing – no favorite stuffed animal, no special blanket. They are afraid, disoriented, and desperate for comfort. That’s where we come in.
The My Stuff Bags Foundation, with the help of thousands of people across the country, provides these unfortunate children with new belongings and new hope through its innovative “My Stuff Bags” program.”
You can find out more about this charitable organization
Marie Johansen's Art Contribution - one of three
Each journal is packed with absolutely stunning art work!! The winner of this auction will be quite thrilled when they get their little mitts on it. The added bonus is that you will also be helping out a truly wonderful organization in the process. We also left many pages in the Moleskin journal blank, so that the purchaser would be free to add more of their own art to the journal – maybe your artist friends too.
The artist’s who so lovingly created beautiful art in this journal are -
Kim Owens, Elizabeth Golden, Linda Hartzig, Marie Johansen, Deb Schaefer, Fran Dussaman, Jennifer Maroney, Shelley Maloney, Pamela Ann Leal, Tammy Freiborg, Mikel Goforth and Andrea Peterson - all members of the online journaling group Blissfully Art Journaling.
More tomorrow, so stay tuned :-)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Tsunami of Sadness

I took it out yesterday and read what I had written on the back in January of 2005...
"When I think of the Ocean I am most often focusing on the beach. I think of summer time visits with my family. Strolling along the sand dunes in quiet conversation with my mother, searching for the perfect shell with my children or watching them play joyfully in the waves. I love to spend the night at the beach and to blissfully fall asleep to the distant sound of the ocean coming into shore. The soothing sounds of the shifting tide, gently rocking me into a deep sleep. There is nothing like the fresh sea air to clear the cobwebs and replenish the spirit.
The past few weeks have reminded me that the Ocean is an integral part of a much larger, living planet. A temperamental entity whose mood shifts as easily as the sands on the beaches we all love so much. On December 26, 2004 an earthquake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, occurred deep below the surface of the ocean and caused the sea to swell into a giant series of waves that would rock the Asian region. It absolutely destroyed millions of lives.
We will never know just how many people perished as a result of this disaster. As of January 21, 2005 the confirmed dead stands at 162,000 and still climbing. Millions more have been left homeless and destitute - of family and money! Fourteen nations were hit by this devastating natural disaster. Every day, for the first week, new numbers of confirmed dead would come in and I found the information too much to comprehend. I was horrifed and filled with sorrow. I usually try to record my feelings in an artistic way in my journal. I felt moved to share my journal art as a tip-in for this month."
I will make a new art journal entry about Japan this weekend when I have time, but for today I am reminded how fragile life is. How we are but a speck on the planet. We best enjoy the time we have - every moment - no matter how insignificant it may seem. We need to appreciate all the joys, friends and family that we have - every day! You never know what tomorrow may bring, my friends :-)
All for today my lovelies, kso