I don't know if you all remember, but last year I took a class on how to turn your art into notecards - it was a gift from my girlfriends. So, I made a bunch of cards right away - then I gave some as Christmas gifts to family and friends. Listed a few in my etsy shop - I didn't sell any there. So for the last few months I have been sitting on them - not having the courage to peddle them to local card shops... that old inner critic at work :-)
This one could be for Bon Voyage or just dreaming of a trip

My version of a Father's Day card

Well, I bit the bullet!!! On Monday I whipped up a little flyer, saved it in PDF format and then set out an email invite to an open house/art card sale at my house on Saturday. I was pretty freaked out about hitting the send button - had to close my eyes and just do it.
The response has been pretty positive so far - many are out of town, but want to come to the next sale. Quite a few have promised to come and see what I've got. My friend Mary has offered to connect me with a friend of hers who has opened a new art studio in town - she is looking for art teachers and someone to share the studio space with. That could be really cool!
Anyway, I am nervous and excited - but I can't wait for Saturday!!
All for tonight my lovelies,
kso xoxoxoxo