Sunday, August 7, 2011

Symbolic Moments

I have been reading the story of Diana Nyad and her quest to conquer the waters between Cuba and Florida. She tried it when she was 28 and had to give up, so she is trying again today. What makes this absolutely stunning? She is 60 and needs to see if she can do it. I cannot imagine the physical endurance and fitness this must take... some days every joint in my 52 year old body just aches.

She is hoping the this quest will be seen as a symbolic moment - nothing earth-shattering or politically moving. Just a event or accomplishment for human beings in both countries to appreciate - "a human moment between the two countries."

Life is full of these sorts of moments - some large and some small. Swimming the shark-infested waters of the Atlantic Ocean is a rather large "moment". My moments are much smaller, as I am sure most of us feel. As a matter of fact, I cannot think of anything symbolic or monumental that I have done in the last few weeks.

I have been feeling very disconnected and without purpose. We had a really lovely vacation trip to Bermuda and NYC, but I couldn't enjoy myself 100% - worried about money and feeling guilty about spending so much. So, it was not what I imagined it would be - my head was completely to blame, as it really was a great trip!!

It could be the really poor attempt Mother Nature has made to send a little summer sunshine and heat our way. We've had a few days in the last two weeks, but for the second year we have not needed fans to cool down.

It could be that my kids have been gone for three weeks - summer visitation with their dad - it's the first time they have been gone that long and NOT traveling. Weird to know that they are 10 minutes away and not at home. Today they left for another week on a church youth group mission trip to Leavenworth - which they go on every year and LOVE!! They'll be home for about a week and a half then they are off to dad's again and traveling to Canada for a family wedding. Then school starts and the madness begins. My son will be a senior and in about three months he will be 18 and I just keep wondering how that happened so quickly!

the kids and gang departing today

I am tired of my job... and while I do appreciate that I have one (so many don't) I just hoped that I'd be further along the road to doing something different. Life is full of adjustments and I find myself working my way through many this year.

I recognize that I am being a bit pathetic here. I think I need an Oprah intervention, you know "write 5 things you are grateful for each day". I really do have so much to be grateful for -

1 lovely home
2 a healthy family
3 kids who still talk to me and tell me "things"
4 a job
5 my creativity
6 my growing business through Etsy
7 sunshine
8 my friends and my First Friday night time with them
9 a juicy nectarine
10 the laughter of my children and the joy they bring me

Now, that's better!!

On the art front... here is the additional layering I've done on that larger piece I am trying out


and after

all for today my dears

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Art Card Sale

I don't know if you all remember, but last year I took a class on how to turn your art into notecards - it was a gift from my girlfriends. So, I made a bunch of cards right away - then I gave some as Christmas gifts to family and friends. Listed a few in my etsy shop - I didn't sell any there. So for the last few months I have been sitting on them - not having the courage to peddle them to local card shops... that old inner critic at work :-)

This one could be for Bon Voyage or just dreaming of a trip

My version of a Father's Day card

Well, I bit the bullet!!! On Monday I whipped up a little flyer, saved it in PDF format and then set out an email invite to an open house/art card sale at my house on Saturday. I was pretty freaked out about hitting the send button - had to close my eyes and just do it.

The response has been pretty positive so far - many are out of town, but want to come to the next sale. Quite a few have promised to come and see what I've got. My friend Mary has offered to connect me with a friend of hers who has opened a new art studio in town - she is looking for art teachers and someone to share the studio space with. That could be really cool!

Anyway, I am nervous and excited - but I can't wait for Saturday!!

All for tonight my lovelies,
kso xoxoxoxo

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Art Attempt

This weekend has been very relaxing... three days of minimum work, no transporting kids, no cooking for kids - just me, myself and I. Spent the whole day yesterday working on my store and had one of my best sales days so far - very exciting!! Taking photos, uploading, packaging, and shipping - it's all very satisfying. I was hard at it until about 10pm and then I had to force myself to stop. Lots of new travel ephemera and a new batch of photo grab bags - check them out :-)

1965 Brochure for the Trans-Canada Highway - lovely

TWA City Map from the 1960's - very colorful inside with cool stewardess graphic images

Early 1900's authentic French Post card with a pretty long note on the back from an aunt to her nieces.

Today, I will be mowing the lawns today, going to get my passport photos taken downtown and then I'll be back to the business of art. Then a little creativity will continue... as in making some actual art. I am also finally trying to do some larger art pieces - just playing around at this point. Scraps, gesso, acrylic paint. I have been looking through my art journals for inspiration - this is what I have so far -

These are 12" x 12" plywood panels

I either painted with acrylic paint or gesso to start
Then I added a few scraps of papers. I will continue to add layers until I am satisfied :-)

I hope that you all have a lovely, creative day also my lovelies... kso xoxoxoxo

Monday, May 23, 2011

Gathering or Purging

Which is it?

I have been a gatherer most of my life. I am the great saver - of just about everything!! We moved on average every 18 months when I was growing up and that usually meant getting rid of things so we could travel lightly and cheaply. It got old and by the time I was sixteen I was done – I wanted to live with a different family and stay put. Over the years, I developed a simple way to get through it - I collected bits and pieces that could be kept in a compact shoe box - thus the ephemera addiction!!

When I discovered art journaling a few years ago I thought "Yeah!! Now I have a justification for saving things". The main problem with this is that you have to be very organized and/or you really should use it right away. Otherwise, you get overwhelmed by all the crap! I have reached that point and really need to let things go.

I have resolved to purge for the rest of the year. It's not a revolutionary idea for me – I’ve done it before. I have reached that stage in my life when I am no longer creating a home for my children to grow up in. They are each spending less time at home – school, friends, first loves and time with dad – it all adds up to more free time for me. I’m now preparing for the day when they will be leaving forever to make their own homes. I am thinking of downsizing and possibly traveling more, so I need to lighten my life and eliminate some of the clutter.

My son will be graduating high school next year and will most likely stick around and go to community college – he may or may not stay at home – he’s undecided. He is more relaxed in his approach to life - he really lives in the moment. He is a home body - and while he loved his trip to Peru last month, he missed his love and the cold, grey and dreary climate of Seattle.

My daughter - on the other hand - hates Seattle and can't wait to get to NYC. Her goal is film school - more specifically the Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film & Television. She is anxious to be gone and away from the drama that has been created by dad (and mom) battling in court, the weather, boring high school and she wants to be on her way.

Anyway, I appear to have more time to figure out what I want to do when I “grow up” and I do believe it will be traveling. I imagine working for a few months each year and then traveling for a few – nice dream eh? Or maybe just a little place to land for three quarters of the year – kind of cottage by the sea? I tease my son that all I really want is a little shed in his back yard – “You’ll never even know I’m there.” Then I can leave on a whim and have someplace to visit. Anyway, wanting to travel means not really needing much. I’ll do a little bit each week and eventually I’ll get there…

I have put a few things in my shop this past week – collage packs, vintage photos, british magazine pages, yearbooks from the 1940’s. I’ll keep purging and maybe someone else will treasure them or make something new with them – either way it’s time to move it all along to someone else.

Collage Packs

British Mags

Black and White Photo Packs - great price!!

The flowers are beginning to bloom, inspite of the crappy weather. It's getting a bit aggravating - one nice day out of seven. And it's almost June and the heat is still needing to be turned on - I see $$$$ floating away. It should be warm enough to forego paying to stay warm - where is the sun???? I am going to get back into posting more frequently - as things have settled down a bit here on the home front. I will also get back to posting art again, so stay tuned.

All for today, my lovelies,



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Art Reception a Great Success

Well, I am feeling a bit less pressure today :-)

The big student art show that I work on every year is almost done - we had our big artist reception last night. Met many of the artists this year - so many of them showed up to meet the public. It was a lot of fun - and plenty of great art. Many who came to view could not believe that it was all created by 15 - 18 year old students... I felt the same way.

And then there is always that urban experience that happens in the city - the local skate boarder boys and the homeless contingent dropped in and devoured the food and drink offered to the art show patrons. Great juxtopostion of culture and grunge :-)

The evening was filled with live music provided by the BHS Jazz Combo - they performed to rousing applause and gave the whole art show a very coooool vibe! Five boys and one girl - fabulous musicians!!

We had a special room for veiwing student produced films. Five films which were really intriguing and thoughtful. Matt Lawrence who is the head of this department is a wonderful teacher - positive, engaged and enthusiastic. He has sent many students to NYU Film School and his students continue to win national awards for their films. My daughter is in his program and loves it - NYU is her new goal!!

The films were -

HENRY by Amelia Elizalde, Levi Friedman, Sean Hendricks, Sheridan Koehler - about our local Ballard artist who paints murals on just about any open, used space. Playful works of art that our local Seattle Times art critic hates!! The film was a contrast of interviews between her and Henry.

BURSTING by Misko Crkon, Alex Johnston-Thomas, William Westgaard - a techno visual music video. Reminded me of a 1970's drug induced experience - really cool!

WITHOUT OUR CARS by Sydney Jarol, Dylan Miller, Ryan Zemke - about the bike community in Seattle and the movement to get people out of their cars.

REAL WORLD by Matt Law-Phipps, Tony Meyer, Ryan Zemke - a dramatic story about why it's important to get an education and enter the real world. You really cannot get a job when all you do it play with your Legos, video games and hang out with your friends :-)

REVERIE PORTAL by David Moore, Kenji Takada-Dill, Blair Scott - my fave!! An abstract film that follows a boy and a girl throught the woods to a door and heartbreak. The filming was beautiful with many interesting angles, shots and movement!

Last week a couple of us Art Boosters were interviewed by the Ballard News Tribune and I was quoted - kind of cool!!

Today it is once again raining - blah... it just doesn't seem to ever stop!! I
am going to hole up in my house and work in my journal - I have lots of
catching up to do.

All for today my lovelies,

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Last Few Weeks...

This is what I have been working on - the Student Art Show for Ballard High School. It's sponsored by the Seattle Public Library and takes place in conjunction with the Ballard ArtWalk that takes place on the second Saturday of the month. Every May, for the past five years, we have partnered with them to showcase the artwork of our local high school students.

This year 55 students contributed ceramics, photography, fine art, jewelry and video shorts to the show. That means there are over 250 pieces of some form of art to display.

We are having a reception this Saturday evening - live music, food and drink, a "Showing" of the films and lots of fabulous art to view.

So, in preparation I've been picking up, cataloging, tagging, pricing, transporting, setting up and then standing back and admiring all this artistic glory!! I had many helpers, for which I am truly grateful!!

It is a mammoth job. I will relax a bit on Sunday. But for now here's a small look at what these kids came up with this year...

On the art/business front I am continuing to purge things that I will never be able to use in my lifetime. I am selling little packets of vintage photos in my etsy shop

25 random photos for $3.75 plus shipping - that works out to 15 cents a photo - a bargain!! I went through this phase a couple of years ago and bought way too many - time to move them on to another who will actually do something creative with them. Take a peek :-)

All for today my lovelies,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Lovely Dream: The Poodle and the Baby Head

Suzi Blu is having a give away if you post this button. And since she is the reason I became an art journalist I thought I would put it up today. I think is was about 4 or 5 years ago I stumbled onto her and the rest, as they say is history. She inspired me to start making art just for myself - that, and I love her art. I love her quirky, honest spirit!! I have a Suzi painting hanging over my bed - it was my birthday present to myself for my 50th :-))

So go check her out, grab the badge and link to her blog by tomorrow night and you might be the winner!!

all for tonight my lovelies,

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring is Finally Here!!!

Wow, we have been having some crazy weather in this country lately. I am happy to say that the sun was shining today. Unfortunately that means I had to get out there and mow the lawn - which with a push mower was a bit of a challenge.

I had hoped that my son would have been able to do it before he left the country. He has gone to Peru with his biology teacher. They are gone for 16 days of study in the Amazon at the Tamshiyacu Tihuaya Reserve It takes over 24 hours to get to their destination - Seattle to SanFrancisco - then SF to Lima, Peru - then Lima to Iquintos - then a 4 hour speedboat ride up the Amazon to the lodge. I dropped him off at the airport at 5 am on Saturday and he was to arrive in Tihuaya at around noon on Sunday. I hope he is having a fabulous time!! Only 13 days 'til he gets back!

On the art front I have been too busy to eek out much time - a few minutes here and there... but I finally finished a little Remains of the Day journal. Here it is -

The journal when it is closed - all sunshine and spring time

Partially open with daisies and buttons

The first page in the first signature. Measures about 6x6, perfect size to carry in your bag. I am selling it in my shop here Take a peek :-))

All for today my lovelies,

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Okay... I Couldn't Wait!!

The Auctions Are Now Live!!! Yahoooooo!!!!

Here is the information on the Friendship Journal - all the proceeds will be donated to the Polaris Project, whose vision is a world without slavery.

“Named after the North Star that guided slaves towards freedom along the Underground Railroad, Polaris Project has been providing a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery since 2002. Polaris Project is a leading organization in the United States combating all forms of human trafficking and serving both U.S. citizens and foreign national victims, including men, women, and children. We use a holistic strategy, taking what we learn from our work with survivors and using it to guide the creation of long-term solutions.”

You can find out more about this charitable organization at

The artist’s who so lovingly created beautiful art in this journal are -
Kim Owens, Elizabeth Golden, Linda Hartzig, Danielle Patterson-Weeks, Stacy Sechan, Deb Schaifer, Fran Dussaman, Jennifer Maroney, Cynthia Vose and Timaree Cheney - all members of the online journaling group Blissfully Art Journaling.

This is the link to The Friendship Journal Auction -

This is the link to The Love Journal Auction -

I'd like to especially thank Jenny Maroney - who helped plan this whole project and also kept me on track. I love you madly girl - this would not have happened without your support!!!

All for today my lovelies...

Art Auctions Finally Here

Last year several members of my art journaling group joined me on a special project. I called it the Traveling Journals... we all worked in journals with themes and the end result would go for auction on Ebay. Well, Jenny Maroney and I are launching the auctions for two of the journals tonight at 7pm eastern time on Ebay. I will post the links to both the Love and the Friendship journals after they are posted. And tomorrow I will post info about the Friendship Journal, photos of the art and the charity we chose.

In the meantime... here is a bit more info on the projects and some photos from The Love Journal. Oh, and tell all your friends - we want to raise a lot of money!!!

Shelley Malone's Art Contribution to The Love Journal - one of three

In January 2010 a small group of artists agreed to participate in a collaborative art journaling project. The idea was for each artist to create three art journal entries based upon a theme – one was about “Love”, the second was about “Friendship” and the third was left “Open”. Each artist was asked to include an introduction page and two art entries about the theme of the journal they chose to work in. Each journal contains 36 different art entries. All three journals traveled throughout the United States and Canada for about twelve months. Two have returned safely and the third is slowly limping home – it ran into a few unexpected road blocks along the way, but will be traveling again soon.

Jennifer Maroney's Art Contribution to The Love Journal - one of three

It was proposed that these journals be auctioned off and the proceeds from each sale donated to a charity. The Love Journal would benefit a children’s charity. The Friendship Journal would benefit a women’s charity. The Open Journal would benefit Bernie Berlin’s no-kill animal shelter - called A Place to Bark.

Deb Schaefer's Art Contribution - one of three

This auction is for The Love Journal and all the proceeds will be donated to My Stuff Bags, who offer much needed support for foster children throughout the United States.

“Imagine the trauma of being a child separated from all you know – parents, possessions and home – and not having anything to cling to for comfort. Sadly, each year, hundreds of thousands of children here in the United States must be rescued from severe abuse, neglect or abandonment. Traumatized and facing an uncertain future, they frequently enter shelters and foster care with nothing – no favorite stuffed animal, no special blanket. They are afraid, disoriented, and desperate for comfort. That’s where we come in.
The My Stuff Bags Foundation, with the help of thousands of people across the country, provides these unfortunate children with new belongings and new hope through its innovative “My Stuff Bags” program.”
You can find out more about this charitable organization

Marie Johansen's Art Contribution - one of three

Each journal is packed with absolutely stunning art work!! The winner of this auction will be quite thrilled when they get their little mitts on it. The added bonus is that you will also be helping out a truly wonderful organization in the process. We also left many pages in the Moleskin journal blank, so that the purchaser would be free to add more of their own art to the journal – maybe your artist friends too.

The artist’s who so lovingly created beautiful art in this journal are -
Kim Owens, Elizabeth Golden, Linda Hartzig, Marie Johansen, Deb Schaefer, Fran Dussaman, Jennifer Maroney, Shelley Maloney, Pamela Ann Leal, Tammy Freiborg, Mikel Goforth and Andrea Peterson - all members of the online journaling group Blissfully Art Journaling.

More tomorrow, so stay tuned :-)



Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami of Sadness

I am feeling much the same way I felt in 2004/2005, when an earthquake and tsunami caused such devastation in India, Indonesia and Sumatra. Back then, I was in a monthly tip-in swap and ironically the prompt - released in mid December - for January 2005 was "The Ocean".

This is the art I did for that prompt -

I took it out yesterday and read what I had written on the back in January of 2005...

"When I think of the Ocean I am most often focusing on the beach. I think of summer time visits with my family. Strolling along the sand dunes in quiet conversation with my mother, searching for the perfect shell with my children or watching them play joyfully in the waves. I love to spend the night at the beach and to blissfully fall asleep to the distant sound of the ocean coming into shore. The soothing sounds of the shifting tide, gently rocking me into a deep sleep. There is nothing like the fresh sea air to clear the cobwebs and replenish the spirit.

The past few weeks have reminded me that the Ocean is an integral part of a much larger, living planet. A temperamental entity whose mood shifts as easily as the sands on the beaches we all love so much. On December 26, 2004 an earthquake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, occurred deep below the surface of the ocean and caused the sea to swell into a giant series of waves that would rock the Asian region. It absolutely destroyed millions of lives.

We will never know just how many people perished as a result of this disaster. As of January 21, 2005 the confirmed dead stands at 162,000 and still climbing. Millions more have been left homeless and destitute - of family and money! Fourteen nations were hit by this devastating natural disaster. Every day, for the first week, new numbers of confirmed dead would come in and I found the information too much to comprehend. I was horrifed and filled with sorrow. I usually try to record my feelings in an artistic way in my journal. I felt moved to share my journal art as a tip-in for this month."

I will make a new art journal entry about Japan this weekend when I have time, but for today I am reminded how fragile life is. How we are but a speck on the planet. We best enjoy the time we have - every moment - no matter how insignificant it may seem. We need to appreciate all the joys, friends and family that we have - every day! You never know what tomorrow may bring, my friends :-)

All for today my lovelies, kso


Friday, February 11, 2011

Channeling Peaceful Resistance

No art to post today, just a few thoughts...

As I was listening to the news over the course of the last 48 hours I said a little prayer for the protesters in Egypt. Stay calm, stay focused and please, please don't react with violence!! Yesterday there was anger after the disappointing speech by Mubarak, but by Friday they seemed to become even more determined and focused.

And then the news that he was indeed gone! The streets of Cairo were rocking with joy - their mostly non-violent protest had brought about the change that they demanded. There was literally dancing in the street!

I am still amazed by this whole thing - so many times in the past these sorts of demonstrations have been squashed with violence and tyranny. It seems that this world is getting smaller and just a bit more transparent with the instant exposure of Facebook, Twitter and the Internet. Things that were once easily buried are broadcast worldwide with the simple push of a button on a cell phone - so mind boggling!

Even with all that technology in action, I still had the sense (maybe hope) that all those educated students were channeling the message of non-violent resistance espoused by Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King all those years ago. Even in the face of violence they resisted the temptation to respond in kind.

They lifted their voices as a united body! Sent a message to the world and we listened.

Now the hard work begins for a newly born nation.

I wish the people of Egypt peace and strength for the journey.

All for tonight my lovelies,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Ball and a Bit of ROD

My son went to his first dance - the Winter Ball. We bought a suit, white shirt, tie and a corsage for his date. He came home to get ready, so I got to take pictures of him and the three beauties he escorted to this yearly event.

This is the corsage that his sister helped him design - she had been with E when she shopped for her dress, so it had to match. She also helped him pick out the suit and tie.

The beautiful A, E and J with my own lovely boy. E on his left is his date and the other two are his good friends. He has a lot of friends who are girls - even had me take a picture of him to send to another girl friend who wasn't going to the ball. Just so darn cute!!

On another front - this is officially the weekend my two spend with their dad, so I had time to get creative. I am constructing another Remains of the Day journal - this I will be selling in my shop. It's not quite done - still have to sew the signatures into the cover. But here are a few peeks...

The front cover - Pretty in Pink

The front of the second signature - the back of this photo has all the
names written on the back. Very cool!!
Just another little peek inside the first signature - it's gonna be hard to part with this one.
But sometimes you just have to let go - right?

All for tonight my lovelies,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

More 2010 Artwork

Here are two more bits of 2010 artwork from last weekend, when I was trying to actually finish a journal before starting another. Haven't really done that, but pretty darn close. I will visit 2010 Journal in the next few weeks and wrap up the loose ends... but I am moving on the 2011. I cannot believe that this month is already over, well almost :-) So far this year has been so much better and I am so pleased with that. Many things planned for the new year... wait and see!!

I love these two different tissue papers I discovered when doing the never-ending shuffle in the disorganized studio space. The words on the right are also tissue paper from starbucks - I love the font! I used masking tape down the middle and covered it with two shades pink paint - the cheap acrylic kind. I think it looks pretty cool - I may or may not go back and write on it, we'll see.

This one is for my little bout with mrsa and cellulitis this past November. I found a spider in my bed when I was shaking out the sheets one morning and within 24 hours I had this ugly,burning red, painful spot in my left arm pit area. Caught it quickly and didn't end up in the hospital this time!! Lots of drugs and a little office surgery and it was gone in about two weeks.

Now on to the To-Do List of new art things...
1 - Scan 2 of The Traveling Journals and get them ready for auction - the third one is still traveling.
2 - ATC's for Tammy's swap Word for the Year
3- February Tip-In swap at BAJ - Favorite Childhood Story
4 - Partnership Journal Swap with Victoria
and the big one - start organizing and coordinating the BHS Student Art Show in May - I am the lead this year. So, it's busy busy busy!!

All for today my lovelies,
ps - thanks for the lovely comments my friends - I appreciate your support!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Artful Weekend

I am trying to finish up my 2010 art journal before I can get fully immersed in 2011 art. So with the kids gone for the weekend I have been hitting it hard!! Yesterday I was in my nightgown until about 6:30 pm. The only reason I even got in the shower or got dressed was to go play mexican train with my friends last night. Which, as always was soooooo fun... wine, laughter and plans for the new year :-))

This artwork started when I found the box of Glee gum (shown on the left page) and I thought perfect for my favorite show!! It's one of the things that my daughter and I both love - and that is rare. She babysits on Tuesday night, so when she gets home the first thing she asks is "did you watch Glee?" That show is so much fun and it makes me take a little trip down memory lane - songs always have such a strong imprint on the soul.

This is to record our traditional trip to visit my parents on Christmas Eve. I hope that there will be many more years of making this little trip!! We don't go over the river and through the woods... but it's pretty darn close. I found the vintage Christmas card and it triggered the whole travel idea.

Christmas Morning - before the kids leave me for the day. This year they were up at about 6 am to open their stockings. I lay in bed and listened to them for awhile before I got up at 6:30 to join them. As I lay there, I was tranported back in time to those same holiday mornings with my brother in the wee hours before the rest of the world woke up. It was such a sweet morning this year... because I know that they will both look back and feel the same emotions that I felt on this very special occasion. They are so close and I am reminded how much they love each other in these small, private moments - when no one is watching them.

I have more half finished pages to work on for the rest of the day and then I'll post them tomorrow. Then it's on to 2011.

Cherrio my lovelies, kso xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slightly Creative

I have been putzing around for the last few days - packaging and scanning things for my Etsy store, starting a new weight loss blog here and taking care of my sick baby. Yesterday I went for a walk and took these photos...

I walked to the bluff and looked out at the Puget Sound.
Working on creating a healthier body and self image.

Look at all those lovely boats waiting for sailing season to get here.

This was a really cool bunch of trees I saw on the way.

The kids will both be gone this weekend, so I plan on hiding out and making some serious art. No cooking or cleaning - just some dedicated ME time - can't wait :-))
All for tonight my lovelies,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Art

I have a thing for elephants and I saved this illustration from the book jacket for an old copy of The Jungle Book - so I saved it and this weekend I finally used it. When I looked at this art -later in the day -I thought that the spine from the book jacket on the right, with the leaves stamped on it kind of looked like a tree. I still need to write something on the pages, but I'm not sure what that will be right now - later it will come to me...

I found - in my stash - a little hand drawn Pokemon card that my son made years ago. I like to use these little art snippets from my children in my journal art. I can still remember him asking to use my special scissors to cut the edges of all his cards. He was so pleased with his little designs. I can't believe I still had this!! I know that when I look back at this journal art I will instantly recall my little boy and this moment.

The little "happy meal" tag will also remind me of my son - when he was six he told me when he grew up he would be a much better parent... because he would take his son to McDonald's everyday if he wanted. He was very mad at me because I wouldn't take him for another happy meal.

The little doll tag in the lower left corner is from my daughter - she loved her Barbie's and all that damn paraphernalia - always so many little tiny shoes. Worse than the Legos :-)

All for tonight my lovelies,

kso xoxoxoxo

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New projects

I have an uexpected day off so I thought I would post a couple of photos from my little journals I am working on. The first a vintage Spanish book repurposed into a small pocket size journal - it measures 4.75 inches by 6/75 inches. A thin little treasure called "Taboada's Cuentos Alegres". Perfect for carrying in your purse to jot down all your journaling observations. I linded the inside covers with pretty paper to match the really long ribbon that wraps around and around to close it. I love how it turned out :-) The original owner has written his name on the front cover - C. D. Samson - gives it that extra special patina that an old book deserves.

The second one is an old children's book from the 1950's. It's a lovely size - 6 inches by 8 inches - perfect for journaling or art journaling. It has a really nice color graphic on the cover. This one has 3 signatures or 96 pages - Strathmore drawing paper. Will make a wonderful sketchbook or just a plain old journal for writing. I really like the way this one turned out too!!
All for today - off to put some new things in the store :-)
See you later my lovelies,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Synchronicity at Work

It's funny what you notice when you become an art journalist who likes to collage. My birthday was back in October and right about that time I was on my way to the post office. When I am walking in the city, I find myself looking at the ground - a lot!!

I find the most interesting things and they usually end up on a page. I picked up this interesting little beat up King's Hardware matchbook cover - it's a local bar. It just caught my eye and I thought it looked so cool and distressed. Later that same week I ended up in King's Hardware for a spontaneous birthday celebration planned by my group of girlfriends. This art entry will be about my birthday and finding that matchbook cover - synchronicity at work!!

On another front, I began collecting vintage books a few months ago - the ones with the really cool graphics on the covers. I have been gutting them and saving them for a later project - planning on turning them into journals. This evening I began making the new interiors. I am making signatures of Strathmore drawing paper - they can then be used as sketch books, art journals or just plain writing journals. I am kind of excited about these babies!!

Oh, I also forgot to mention that my kids really went all out this year for my Christmas gift - they filled my stocking with goodies for the first time and they topped it off with a new camera!! Fabulouso... now I can take lovely photos of all my blog stuff :-))

All for tonight my lovelies

Sunday, January 2, 2011


is very satisfying!!! I spent the day organizing buttons, ribbons and just getting my creative house in order. The kids will both be gone next weekend and I want to be prepared for some marathon art making - yeah :-) I know it's only the second day of the new year, but I already feel a difference. Is it just me and my attitude or is it getting things in order? Maybe it's having a new blog home and being able to express my thoughts more freely... whatever it is I am liking it!
Here is my art for the day...

I can still remember how this dress felt - sheer tulle with little soft white polka dots. It had a full slip under it, since the fabric was so see-thru. I felt so pretty - and that flexible pink creature. I could wrap her around my wrist like a braclet or around my neck, but here it was a pair of winter ear muffs. This was Christmas 1967 and I was a princess! I'll journal about this sometime this week - when I can sit and quietly call up those funny childhood memories.

Not sure what I will do with this one, but I kind of like it. A wine label up in the left hand corner, a label from some bath product in the lower right hand corner and the text is from an old reference book I picked up called "Pain". I like the juxtoposition of bright colors and the words - pain and pleasure.

All for today my lovelies, pleasant dreams

kso xoxoxoxo

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day One of 2011

Well, a new year has begun... and it was a very productive day! The tree is down, the cards are filed, the decorations are packed away and the house looks clean and uncluttered. It feels nice, although normally I am a bit sad to see the end of the season. This year I am pleased to be moving on to a new and fresh year.

In my journaling group each year some of the members choose a word of intention for the year. I have been waffling about what word to pick... love, prosperity, reach or freedom. I think I am going to select REACH - it will cover so many things. I'll reach for more love, more prosperity, more freedom. I'd also like to reach for more things outside my comfort zone - in life and artwork. I want this year to be more productive, which will require reaching into my energy reserves.

So, for today I will be reaching out in my blog to make more frequent entries and more art postings. This journal entry is about my daughter and her poetry. Picasso's art is on loan to exhibit here at the Seattle Art Museum. The youngest went ,with her English class, in October to view all the art and the class brief was to write a poem about the art they viewed.

She was selected by WITS (along with 14 other high school students from the district) to read her Picasso inspired poem at SAM 's Teen Night out in December. Each student took to the stage and read to a really nice sized audience. Her poem was inspired by Picasso's "Man with Violin" I got to tour the exhibit for free as her guest. His artwork was so diverse and quite stunning - so inspiring!!

I've also put some new things in my store yesterday... go check it out -

Vintage Daisies
Vintage Trim - 1 yard packages

Lots of fun things for making Mary Ann Moss inspired ROD journal's or just plain art journaling.
All for today my lovelies,