I had hoped that my son would have been able to do it before he left the country. He has gone to Peru with his biology teacher. They are gone for 16 days of study in the Amazon at the Tamshiyacu Tihuaya Reserve It takes over 24 hours to get to their destination - Seattle to SanFrancisco - then SF to Lima, Peru - then Lima to Iquintos - then a 4 hour speedboat ride up the Amazon to the lodge. I dropped him off at the airport at 5 am on Saturday and he was to arrive in Tihuaya at around noon on Sunday. I hope he is having a fabulous time!! Only 13 days 'til he gets back!
On the art front I have been too busy to eek out much time - a few minutes here and there... but I finally finished a little Remains of the Day journal. Here it is -
The journal when it is closed - all sunshine and spring time
Partially open with daisies and buttons

The first page in the first signature. Measures about 6x6, perfect size to carry in your bag. I am selling it in my shop here Take a peek :-))
All for today my lovelies,
oooohhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh love your ROTD journal!!! Very springy and sunny and lovely! Happy Easter m'dear!