Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5/360

so far, this has been an easy project to keep up with... granted it is only the first week!!  when i first thought of doing this i wanted something simple - something that didn't take a lot of artistic prep time.  the more art involved the longer it takes for me to complete a project - i get bogged down in the details.

every night i wrap up my day by writing a quick note to the boy and the girl - then i write a list of 5 things i am grateful for.  it's a nice way to finish the day.  the girl has been surprisingly respectful and calm this week.

i am hopeful.  we had nice conversation on day three of this project - that hasn't happened in many months.

today i am going to make some art and work in my ticket to venice journal - was gathering italian stuff last night...

ciao for now,

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